Meet the Team behind the Irish Qs:

Ella Jackson

Self-confessed "food obsessed" Ella looks after our content and marketing

What is your first food memory?

Eating crumpets with marmite and peanut butter in front of Postman Pat on the tv. I later discovered that I was 3 at the time.

What is your favourite comfort food?

A really cheesey overindulgent lasagne. With second helpings.

Are you a starter person or a dessert person (and why)?

I am definitely a starter person - but sometimes I do find room for dessert too...

Your perfect birthday breakfast is...
Poached eggs with smoked salmon

What food is your guilty pleasure?
I don't feel guilty about many things I eat! Perhaps unnecessary dessert after deciding to have a starter "instead"...

A secret ingredient that makes everything better is...

More garlic. If the recipe says to add two cloves, make it five.

What is your favourite cuisine, and why?

I change my mind a lot but I do consistently adore middle-Eastern cuisine - I really love Persian food.

When choosing food products, we should think more about...

Air miles and eating seasonally. I live in the Garden of England and think there's no excuse!

What's your first Friday night drink of choice?

Just the one? A large, dry white wine please.

What is one food you can't stand?

Baked beans!

You can only take one condiment to a dessert island with you - what will you choose?

Proper mayo made with Dijon mustard and olive oil. That will go ever so well with the sea creatures we catch and eat.

What is your most used cookery book?

Currently it's Claudia Rhoden - Med

What is your signature dish?

Seafood paella

What do you listen to when you're cooking?

Either a food related podcast, such as Comfort Eating with Grace Dent, or something relaxing like Gregory Porter.

What's your ultimate cooking hack?

I grate garlic instead of chopping it - much less of a faff!

A product you've discovered through the Qs that you can't get enough of?
The Pestle + Mortar Basil Pesto Houmous that won gold last year is to die for!


Who is an up-and-coming food producer we should look out for (and why)?

Devil's Churn - they won Small Producer of the Year last year for their incredible Campfire Salted Caramel Sauce - everyone in my family got a jar for Christmas!

Which category are you most looking forward to this year?

Soft Drinks - there are always some really exciting, innovative products entered into that category.